Web-based HTML Editor, WYSIWYG editor, or rich text editor, is a web component that let users enter rich text input within the browser. Most of the time, these html editors are used within content management systems where administrators or authors can easily create posts and contents from the backend system.
Without talking much, let’s see these powerful Web-based HTML Editors.

1. FCKeditor

FCKeditor is one of the most famous online HTML editor. It brings the power and features of desktop editors to the web. It offers a complete integration pack for ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, Java, Perl, Phyton and etc. It supports skins, spell checker, lightweight, fast and has a lot of cool features.

2. NicEdit

NicEdit is a Javascript that integrates into any web page easily. It can turns any element/div to become editable or convert standard textareas to rich text editing.

3. TinyMCE

TinyMCE is an online wysiwyg html editor released under LGPL license. Like other wysiwyg html editors, it is able to convert textarea or other html elements to editor instances.

4. jwysiwyg

jwysiwyg is a jQuery WYSIWYG plugin with a tiny size (7kb packed). It is very simple and without much features.
jwysiwyg - jQuery WYSIWYG plugin

5. Yahoo! UI Library: Rich Text Editor

The Rich Text Editor is part of the Yahoo YUI library and users can easily extend the features via creating plugin for it. It is very suitable for those who already familiar with other controls from YUI library.
Yahoo! UI Library: Rich Text Editor

6. Xinha

Xinha is a powerful WYSIWYG HTML editor component that works in all current browsers. It is built by the open source community, and everyone are welcome to contribute to the project.

7. Openwysiwyg

Openwysiwyg is yet another powerful open source cross browser WYSIWYG editor that contains a lot of features. It enhances table creation and you can easily create tables and customize them with built-in properties.
openwysiwyg: Free cross browser wysiwyg editor

8. Free Rich Text Editor

Free Rich Text Editor is an extremely easy to use FREE javascript based HTML WYSIWYG editor for your website. It is easy to implement and manage to output XHTML compliant code.
Free Rich Text Editor

9. WMD: The Wysiwym Markdown Editor

WMD is a simple and lightweight HTML editor which can be used in blog comment section or forum posts.
WMD: The Wysiwym Markdown Editor

10. TTW HTML Editor

TTW HTML Editor is a very simple wysiwyg html editor that powered by javascript. Its spell checking feature is powered by SpellerPages, which can easily being implemented by adding parameter to the editor.

11. Free Text Box

FreeTextBox is the most-used HTML editor for ASP.NET. It is compatible with IE on the PC, and Mozilla and Firefox on all platforms.
Free Text Box

12. WYMeditor

WYMeditor is a web based XHTML editor. WYMeditor has been created to generate perfectly structured XHTML strict code, to conform to the W3C XHTML specifications and to facilitate further processing by modern applications.

13. BlueShoes Wysiwyg Editor

It is a DHTML and Javascript based editor which has a lot of cool features. For example, user can easily resize the editor, select special characters, and pick color using the color picker tool.
BlueShoes Wysiwyg Editor

14. markItUp

markItUp! is a JavaScript plugin built on the jQuery library. It is very lightweight and very customizable. You can even define your favorite keyboard shortcuts, which adds extra user friendly feature.
markItUp! Universal markup editor

15. SPAW Editor

It is a web based WYSIWYG editor which had tabbed multi-document interface, floating/shared toolbars and a very cool interface. It is available in PHP and .NET versions.


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