excellent blog footer design

Fundamentally any weblog would be made up of headersidebarcontent section and footer. In the eye of a visitor, the footer is perhaps one of the most unnoticeable section but to a designer who knows how important user experience, navigation and designs, they are treated the same. That said, footer will not be anything less important compared to the header (or masthead)

Footer contents varies from developer/author's short bio, recent articles, Flickr photos, quick links and so on, but it's interesting to find out how designers prioritize their footer. Not only it will inspires us, it somehow help us understand what we really need in our footer section.

Here's a compilation of 50 Excellent Blog Footer Designs collected everywhere from the blogosphere. If your footer is nice, let us know, we'd like to have it in our sequel entry. In the mean time, full list after jump.

  1. Seraph Design

  2. Jepson

  3. Web Designer Wall

  4. Gomediazine

  5. Spoongraphics

  6. Dreamling

  7. Productivedreams

  8. Blogmetender

  9. Bcandullo

  10. Sohtanaka

  11. Mac Tricks And Tips

  12. 43folders

  13. Catalyststudios.co.uk

  14. Kailoon

  15. Vocino

  16. Wearenotfreelancers.co.za

  17. Noupe

  18. Psdtuts

  19. Samrayner

  20. I Love Mac Apps

  21. Mr.

  22. Davidairey

  23. Css-Tricks

  24. Wireroses

  25. Ordered

  26. Blup.fr

  27. Iemai

  28. Imagineweb.ca

  29. Digitaldeceptions.ca

  30. Design Works Garage

  31. Biola Undergrad

  32. Peterrabbit

  33. Griffinabox.co.uk

  34. Espace.eg

  35. Albertlo

  36. Bristol Archive Records

  37. New

  38. Mackeydesigns

  39. Elansnowboards

  40. Fortysevenmedia

  41. Davidhellmann

  42. Branded07

  43. Adaptd

  44. SeedHunter

  45. Carsonified

  46. Ritchielinao

  47. Sawyerhollenshead

  48. Amuki

  49. Johncow

  50. Latrine.cz

Courtesy: http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/50-excellent-blog-footer-designs/


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